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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                     Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                            Marianne Brown            
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                          Richard Conte
Fred Hurley,                                     Phil Cruz
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN
Alan  Shepard
Carl Zencey

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2009, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meting to order at 7:02 PM.

Present – Dick Zang, Lou Carbone, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey, Marianne Brown
Absent –Richard Conte, Phil Cruz

Also Present:  Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Company, John McCoy of J.F.M. Engineering, Inc.

Public Participation – Mr. McCoy is the Engineer for Acme Reality which has two projects on Mt. Pleasant.  164 and 168-170 Mt. Pleasant Road.  In order to have an application in front of P&Z, they must obtain a preliminary letter from the WSA.  Both properties will be mixed use, retail, commercial and a restaurant.  The Hawleyville sewer system was built for economic development.  Dick Zang suggested that he go to Economic Development and get a letter stating that they are in support of the project.  Alan Shepard motioned to add 164 and 168-170 Mt. Pleasant to the agenda and to authorize Fred Hurley to draft a preliminary approval letter as long as a letter is received from EDC supporting the project. Marianne Brown seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Lou Carbone, and seconded by Alan Shepard, the minutes of the March 14, 2009 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented

Gallons processed vs gallons billed study –  The meters have been installed and within a few hours of installation it rained.  The following day there was substantial rain followed by a dry event.  The company feels that will be enough to compile the raw data.  The company will be here next week to take the meters.  Rain is forecasted for Monday through Wednesday next week so it would be beneficial to keep the meters for an additional week.  Dick stated that it is the intent of the board to get the additional data but not to exceed $10,000   

Set the Sewer Benefit Assessment for 12-20A Washington Avenue, The River Walk Condominium Project, with a total of 22 units at $11,000 per unit.  Marianne Brown motioned to set the Benefit Assessment for 12-20A Washington Avenue, the River Walk Condominium, with a total of 22 units at $11,000 per unit.   Lou Carbone Seconded, motion passed 4-0 with one abstained.

PJ’s Laundromat, 110 Church Hill Road – Dick Zang reminded the board that commercial usage receive a 10% reduction.  Mr. Doherty had requested a 10% reduction in the sewer usage do to evaporation.  Marianne Brown motioned to deny the request for an additional 10% reduction in sewer usage charge.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

107 Church Hill Road – this property was originally assessed as residential.  There will now be a mix of residential, commercial and retail.  The additional assessment for this property is $39,000.  Marianne Brown motioned to set a public hearing for 107 Church Hill on May 14, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Carl Zencey seconded, motion passed 4-0 with one abstention.


Report by Public Works Department – Claris Construction would like to discharge into the sewer system.  The remediation work they are doing requires them to wash off daily.  This wash off will contain asbestos and lead.  Lead is a concern because of the discharge limit in the EPA permit for the Waste Water Treatment Plant.  They are requesting 500 gallons a day for 30 days to a year.  Fred’s recommendation is that the environmental people on sight be required to sign off on the disposal of this and have the WWTP operator approve it.  They have to show that they are not exceeding the limitations.  And if they are getting water from a hydrant, it must be metered for payment and have a back flow preventer to protect the integrity of the water system.

Alan Shepard and Fred Hurley have started to get together to go over the mapping.  Scott was working with Fuss and O’Neil, however, the people who did the work are no longer there.  Alan, Carl and Fred need to go over the mapping to identify the glitches and bring them back to the board which then can add or correct anything in the mapping.  

Report by AOS Operating Co. - The plant is running well.  In March the nitrogen removal was 89%.  Three grinder pumps have been replaced at 55 Sugar Street.  Today there was another break and Julio found an open sanitary line where stones were able to get into and break the grinder pumps.  Grinder pumps are part of the assessment for normal wear and tear however, this is a violation of the regulations.  This is damage to the system.   

Any Other Business – Dick suggested having a Fairfield Hills Campus district in addition to the current central and Hawleyville district.  Since we are updating our mapping, it is a good time to do this. The master plan is very restrictive about development.  If that is defined now, it would help eleviate any future problems.    

Dick started writing something up on the solar panel project.  The state is supposed to re-authorize the grant program.  Dan Holmes, Liz Stocker and Fred Hurley are supposed to get together because there is grant money becoming available.  Dick will draft a letter and have it passed to the board members.  This is for the solar study preliminary feasibility study to get the grant.    

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Arlene Miles, Clerk